Thursday, January 20, 2011

Session 10: Possession Game

Session 10: Possession Game
Age Group: U10 (16 Players)
Duration: 1 Hour

1. Create space(Width and depth)
2. Head up when on the ball
3. Good passing and control
4. Good decisions(timing and selection of pass)

Again the topic being possession I have used the same warm up as session 9 to get the players focussed on passing in preparation for the possession game
- Bib 8 players before warm up
- Non bibs with a ball each
- Non bibs dribbling (plenty of touches, right foot, left foot)
-  Bibs without ball free movement performing activities(Heels, knees, headers, shuffles etc)
- On coaches command bibs recieve a pass from a non bib and proceed to dribble
- Non bibs now perform activity
- Coach increases tempo by more frequent change of passing
- Finish warm up with dribblin players taking 5 or 6 touches and then getting a pass off

- Grid size 30m x 20m, goal at each end, cones marking halfway line
- 3 teams(3 bib colours), 4 players each team and 2 goalkeepers
- Spare balls in each goal to keep game flowing
- Players on outside can only pass to team they received ball off( they must move up and down and not stand still)
- One player must stay in attacking half
- If ball goes dead start from goalkeeper
- Coach can progress to awarding goals for certain number of team passes

Coach encourages short passing, support and continuous movement
Swap the outside players in every few minutes

Very similar to the main activity, the coach encourages short passing and good support and movement, the coach should stop  the game if width and depth are not been used(demonstrate width and depth to players). Corner kicks and throw ins are enforced to give real match situation for players.
It is important in all possession drills or games that the coach focuses on the players quality of passing. The coach should also makesure that the players understand width and depth, don't just demonstrate to players give them a reason why they are doing it aswell.

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