Session 7: Dribbling Continued (To beat an opponent)
Age Group: U10 (16 Players)
Duration: 1 Hour
- Stepover (Ronaldo)
1. Keep ball close to body
2. Assess opponents movement
3. Disguise your body movement by steping over ball
4. Push ball away with outside of opposite foot
- Roll One Way Push The Other (Ronaldinho)
1. Roll inside of foot over ball
2. Use outside of same foot to push ball away
3. Attack the space
For warm up use the key points of session 6: dribbling allowing you to progress onto dribbling to beat an opponent in the main activity
- Grid size 24m x 24m
- Ball for each player
- Players moving freely in the grid
- Coach encourages plenty of touches(right foot, left foot, inside, outside)
- Coach progresses tempo of session by introducing calls to perform an activity(drag back, inside of turn, outside of foot turn)
- Although a warm up reinforce the key factors from previous session to allow progression
- Slow to fast
- Use space
- Good coordination
- Grid size 12m x 12m (4 Grids)
- Ball per player, 4 players in each grid
- Randomly place 2 small cones beside each other around the grid to act as passive opponents
- Players dribble around square and use various manouevres to go by the cone
- Key factors at top of planner to be used
The focus in the conditioned game is to get the players to attack an opponent and try beat them, the coach should observe the game and stop where necessary and demonstrate where a skill could have been used, again demonstrate then let the player give it a go. Corner kicks and throw ins are enforced to replicate a real match feel for the players.
With this particular age group I like to use a long game at the end as this is where a coach can really learn about his players and what they are learning, players need plenty of match situations at this age to express what they have learned in the session. Don't be afraid to do the same session a couple of times if you think the players technique needs to be worked on, repitition is the only way players will get the chance to improve.
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